Access our e-learning programmes on the e-LfH Hub Register / Log in >

My account

  • Personal Details

  • How do I change the personal details displayed on my account?
    • 1. Log in

      2. Select the ‘My account’ menu option. Then select 'Personal details'

      3. Update your details 

      4. Select 'Save Changes' button to store the updated details.

      You can also change your password, set up security questions and add more e-learning programmes to your account by selecting the relevant option within the My account menu.

  • Employment Details

  • Why does the e-LfH Hub require my employment details?
    • We will prompt you periodically to update your personal details, but you can also update them at any time by accessing the My account menu.

      It is important to keep your employment details on your account up-to-date for the following reasons:

      • To allow us to control who has access to your learning activity record with e-LfH (e.g. so that a Trust can see who have completed their mandatory Safeguarding Children training). Failing to keep this information accurate could mean that a previous place of work could retain access to your learning activity records.
      • So that we can report geographically (e.g. 1,000 users in the North West LETB have completed their Equality and Diversity training).
      • e-LfH's funding allocation is in part determined by the geographic location of our users.


  • How do I update my 'place of work'?
    • 1. Log in 

      2. Select the ‘My account’ menu option. Then select 'employment details'.

      3. If you have moved location, select your listed 'job role' or if you have changed to a new role select 'Add new employment details' button.

      Add new employment details

      4. Start typing the name of your institution or the postcode into ‘place of work’ entry box. The box will start searching based on your entry. If you work in an NHS related organisation, you can alternatively enter your ODS (Organisation Data Service) code.

      5. Select the correct location from the list.

      6. If you now hold additional data security responsibilities, such as being a Caldicott Guardian, please tick the relevant boxes.

      6. Select ‘save changes’ button. Your entry will be saved to your account.

      Learn more about identifying the correct place of work.

  • I can't find my place of work in the list.
    • If you cannot find your actual building on the list, then you should look for your employing organisation such as the hospital or the Trust.

      If you are a pharmaceutical worker, you should select high street pharmacy unless you are employed by a Trust, in which case you should select the hospital or Trust.

      In addition, we have the following generic entries for certain groups of users:

      • Defence Dental Deanery
      • Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
      • Armed Forces

      If you are unsure or require further help then please contact us via the Support Form.

  • Change Password

  • Change password
  • Additional security

  • Why do I need security questions?
    • Security questions are used to verify your identity if you need to reset your password. This is the quickest way to restore access to your account.

  • I have forgotten the answer to my security question(s).
    • If you know your username and password then you can change your security question(s).

      If you have forgotten your username and password and cannot remember the answer(s) to your security question(s) you should use the Support form for further assistance.

  • How do I change my security question(s) or the answers I provided?
    • 1. Log in

      2. Select the ‘My account’ menu option. Then select ‘Additional security

      3. Update your details

      4. Select the save security questions button to store the updated details

      If you forget your password, you will be asked one of your security questions in order to verify your identity and allow you to reset your password.



  • Enrolment

  • How do I add additional e-learning resources to my account?
    • 1. Log in

      2. Select the 'My account' menu option. Then select ‘Enrolment’.

      Programmes and applications you currently have access to will already be ticked


      3. Tick all the programmes you wish to add to your account or tick “Select all” to add all the programmes in that group

      4. Select ‘Save changes’ button (at the bottom of the list) to save your selection(s)

      5. The new resources will be available in My e-learning instantly.

      If you add a significant number of programmes and applications to your account, then it can have an adverse effect on the system's performance and make it difficult to navigate around My e-learning.

  • How do I find out about e-learning resources so that I can decide whether or not to add them to my account?
    • There are two ways to find out about content.

      1. Use the search facility in the Hub to locate content that you might be interested in. When the search results are displayed, select the 'I' button to see the component information page, which includes a description of that component.
        See more information about searching.
      2. On the e-LfH website you will find information relating to all the learning resources that we have available. Once you have decided which you would like to access, you should edit your account and add programmes and resources to your account.

        See more information on adding resources to your account.

  • Removing e-learning resources from your account

  • How do I remove e-learning content from my account?
    • 1. Log in

      2. Select the ‘My account’ menu option. Then select 'Enrolment'

      Programmes you currently have access to are ticked.

      3. Untick all the programmes you wish to remove from your account. Solid grey tick boxes cannot be removed.

      4. Select the save changes button to save your changes.

      Your account will be updated with the changes immediately.


  • If I remove e-learning content from my account that I have completed, will I still be able to report that activity?
    • Yes. Any activity you create within the Hub is recorded and will appear in reports through the My Activity menu option in the Hub or in any bespoke reports you may have available to you.

      Any activity you create is legitimate activity, so will be stored against your profile for posterity, even if you remove programmes from your account or if we alter programme content in the Hub. This also applies to any learning activity that you created on old e-LfH systems, such as the e-LfH Learning Management System.

      If you add a previously removed programme back to your account, then you will see your previous activity reflected in the status of that programme within the Hub.


  • Reporting permissions

  • What is permissions-based activity reporting?
  • How do I add another user to my "Reporting permissions" list?
    • Adding another user to your reporting permissions list allows them to report on your e-learning activity.

      1. Log in.

      2. Select the 'My account' menu option. Then select 'Reporting permissions'

      3. Enter the exact username as supplied to you by that user – we will not supply the username. 

      4. Select ‘Find

      5. Check the user’s details to ensure you have the right person and select 'Add user' button.

      6. If the username cannot be found then you should re-enter the username, taking care to ensure you have entered it exactly as provided. If the system still cannot find that user, you should contact us by using the Support Form.

  • How do I know which users have given me access to report on their activity?
    • In order to see which users have given you permission to report on their activity:

      1. Log in

      2. Select the 'My account' menu option. Then select 'Reporting permissions'

      3. Users who have given you permission to report on their activity are listed on the screen

      4. You can decide on which users to include in a report by ticking the 'include' box

      5. You should contact a user directly if you cannot see them on the list to check they have given you permission. We will not provide you with their details or set up access on their behalf.


  • How do I access reports on other users' e-learning activity?
    • In order to report on another user’s activity, they need to give you permission – we will not set up access on their behalf.

      Find out how to give another user permission to report on your activity.

      Once the user(s) have assigned you the relevant permissions you can follow these instructions:

      1. Log in

      2. Select 'Admin' menu option. Then select 'Reports

      3. The list of available reports is displayed showing the following reports:

      • Project team reports
      • User permission reports – lists the activity of the users who have assigned reporting permissions to you allowing you to restrict the report by specified dates

      4. Select the appropriate report from the list

      5. Enter the date parameters required for the report or leave the dates blank for a complete report

      6. Select Run report button

      7. Once complete, select the option to download the report:

      • Text to view on screen
      • PDF document for download
      • CSV file for importing into a spreadsheet or database application.

      If these users have not accepted our reporting terms and conditions or they have since removed your permission from their reporting permissions then you will no longer see their details in your reports.

  • External systems

  • What is the external systems menu option for?
    • The Hub allows you to access other systems, such as the Prescribing Simulator, which are separate from the Hub itself. In order to make it as easy as possible for you to access these external systems, we use a technology called Single Sign On so that the Hub talks automatically to the external system and you don’t need to log in again when you go from the Hub to the other system.

      In order for Single Sign On to work, the two systems need to hold some data about you and your account. It is good practice for us to be transparent with users about the data that is held or passed back and forth, which is why this menu item exists. If you are unhappy with the data that is used in the Single Sign On process, then you can withdraw your permission in this section, however, this will mean you cannot access that external system via the Hub.

  • Data privacy

  • What information is held by e-LfH about me and who can see it?
    • e-LfH takes its responsibilities with regard to data protection seriously. In line with recommendations from the Information Commissioner’s Office (, our Privacy Policy clearly states what information is held and how we allow it to be processed. Individuals can be assured that the processing of data held will be carried out in accordance with the 8 principles of the Data Protection Act. The Privacy Policy has been incorporated into the Terms and Conditions, which are publicly available. 

  • How secure is data in the e-LfH systems?
    • e-LfH takes data security very seriously and makes every endeavour to ensure that user information is held as securely as possible. Access to our servers and the data within is restricted even within the e-LfH team.

      We will never ask for your password.

      It is the user's responsibility to ensure that they change their password when they first access the system and never give out their password or security questions and answers to another person.

      More information about e-LfH’s Terms and Conditions.

  • Terms and Conditions