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Activity data

  • What information is included in activity data?
    • Activity data falls into two categories:

      1. Identifiable activity data

      • your name
      • which e-learning resources you have accessed
      • date e-learning resources were accessed
      • time spent on those resources 
      • assessment scores (where appropriate).

      2. Anonymised activity data (i.e. individual’s names are not included) 

      Summarised information counting:

      • which e-learning resources have been accessed
      • which e-learning resources have been completed
      • time spent on those resources 
      • aggregated assessment scores

  • Who can see my e-learning activity data?
    • You can always see all your own activity.

      See more about reporting on your own activity.

      In addition, e-LfH may share information about your activity in line with e-LfH’s terms and conditions. As long as you have accepted the terms and conditions, then your activity data may be shared in the following ways:

      • Members of the e-LfH team may be able to see your activity data. For example, Hub administrators can see everyone’s activity data in the system and people working on specific projects that you are enrolled on can view users’ activity in order to gauge the uptake of the project.
      • If you have an ePortfolio, then the capability may exist for your ePortfolio to be automatically populated with your activity data. This requires your explicit approval to set up the link between our Hub and the ePortfolio system.
      • It is possible for you to authorise specific individuals (e.g. tutors) to view your activity record. Again, this requires your explicit approval.
        See more about permissions-based activity reporting.
      • We may share your activity data with authorised individuals in other organisations involved in medical training in the healthcare arena. These organisations include professional bodies that a particular user is a member of, such as medical Royal College or Foundation School; or employing organisations, such as a Trust HR department.

      It is important that you keep the place of work in your profile up to date so that we share your activity data with the correct Trust.

      The data included in these reports is limited by programme. 

  • Can I limit who has access to the record of my e-learning activity?
    • While you are a registered user with e-LfH you cannot limit access beyond the limitations set out in the previous question.

  • I am a trainee, can I see the e-learning activity of other trainees?