Access our e-learning programmes on the e-LfH Hub Register / Log in >

Applications, programmes, courses, learning paths and sessions

  • Basics
    • The Hub is a Learning Management System (LMS) specifically designed and built for the health and social care workforce. It allows users to find e-learning content that is relevant to them, learn at their own pace, at any time and in any place. The Hub also stores all users’ learning activity so that it can be reported on to provide evidence of your learning.

      The learning content within the Hub is organised hierarchically across three main levels:

      Programme > Course > Session

      This allows the various programmes to organise their learning content how they see fit. This will often be in line with their professional body’s curriculum.

      A programme is the highest level of the content hierarchy. It contains courses and may also contain learning paths. In turn, courses and learning paths contain sessions.

      A session which solely comprises of questions and answers usually results in a score being recorded in the LMS. The introductory first page of these sessions will clearly tell you if a score will be recorded at the end, so you should read this page carefully before deciding to proceed. 

      Any score recorded in the Hub will be reported in your activity reports. 

      Find out more about reporting activity.

  • What is an application?
    • Most of the e-learning content that you can access from the Hub is contained on the Hub itself. However, there is some content that is hosted elsewhere and this is what we call an application.

      Examples of applications are:

      • Prescribing Simulator (an online resource designed to enable medical students and other trainees to practice their prescribing skills)
      • Pathopedia (an online encyclopaedia of pathology)

      e-LfH provide a link from your account on the Hub to the external content so that you have fewer usernames and passwords to remember. Where appropriate, we also bring in your learning activity on the external system to create a unified training record.

  • What is a programme?
    • A programme is a structured collection of learning content which is organised into courses and learning paths. A course or learning path contains sessions, which are the actual units of learning content.

      You can choose which programmes you want to enrol on by selecting My Account > Enrolment.

      Learn more about adding programmes to your account.

      You can access the programmes you have enrolled on in the My e-learning section of the Hub.

  • What is a course?
    • A course is a collection of sessions which are grouped together. Courses can also be grouped together to form a programme.

      You can access your courses by exploring the programmes in the My e-learning section of the Hub.

      Learn more about navigating the Hub.

  • What is a learning path?
    • A learning path is a special type of course that is tailored to a specific user audience, condition, treatment or investigation. This means they could contain the same sessions as a normal course but in a different order. Also, learning paths could combine additional content from other programmes. Learning paths are a good way to target content to achieve a specific learning outcome.

      You can access your learning paths by exploring the programmes in the My e-learning section of the Hub.

      Learn more about navigating the Hub.

  • What is a folder?
    • A folder is simply a means of organising content. It is not an educational unit in the same way that a course or learning path is, so you cannot search for folders and they do not have an information page.

  • What is a session?
    • A session represents a single learning object within a course. This is the actual learning content that you complete.

      Different programmes use different session types depending on the learning objective of the programme.

  • Accessing the e-learning content

  • How do I access the e-learning?
    • 1. Register with e-LfH

      2. Log in to the Hub

      3. Either search for content, or go to the My e-learning section in the Hub and browse for content that you are already enrolled on.


  • How do I find out more information about something on the Hub?
    • Every programme, course, learning path, session and application has an information page that gives you more information about that component.  You can access this by clicking on the blue information button.

      The information page contains information such as description, the author’s name and a record of your past activity on the component.

  • Adding new e-learning content to your account

  • Do I need to add programmes to my account?
    • Yes. To do this you should use the Enrolment option on the My Account menu in the Hub. By selecting a programme it will instantly add the programme and all its content to your account.

      Find out more about adding programmes to your account.

  • Do I need to add courses to my account?
    • No. All courses within your programme(s) will be made available to you automatically when you enrol for the programme.

  • Do I need to add learning paths to my account?
    • No. All learning paths within your programme(s) will be made available to you automatically when you enrol on the programme.

  • How does a learning path differ from a course?
    • Each programme is divided into courses and each session in the programme can normally be found once within those courses. If you work through every session in every course in turn, then you will eventually complete the whole programme. Courses can be organised in many ways, such as along anatomical lines (e.g. Muscular & Skeletal, Gastro-Intestinal etc), by level (e.g. Introduction, Advanced, etc) or by patient (e.g. Geriatric, Neo-natal, etc).

      A learning path suggests an alternative route through the learning content that runs in parallel to the courses. For example, if the courses are organised along anatomical lines, then there may be a series of learning paths based on investigation (e.g. Ultrasound, MRI, etc).

      Local organisations can also create their own learning paths (e.g. University College London Year 1 Radiology) inside a programme. These local learning paths will be available to all users, not just the institution that created it.

  • If I complete a session from a learning path, will I have to complete it again from another part of the system (e.g. from a course)?
    • No. The list of content shown in the learning path is another view of content that you have access to elsewhere in the system. So if you start or complete a session from anywhere in the system (including Favourites) then the status of that session remains the same regardless of where you are viewing it from.

  • Sessions

  • Do I need to add sessions to my account?
    • No. As all courses are automatically made available to you when you enrol on the programme so inherently are all the sessions in each course automatically available.

  • What types of sessions are available through the Hub?
    • Different programmes use different session types depending on the learning objective of the programme.

      Knowledge sessions:

      Aiming to equip you with specific knowledge and skills including practical clinical skills and general professional and communication skills.

      Scenario sessions:

      Simulating a particular clinical situation and you have to work your way through the scenario deciding what actions to take.

      Assessment & Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) sessions:

      Testing your understanding of a particular subject area.

      eLibrary sessions:

      Supporting resources, typically taken from medical journals that have been selected by a project’s editorial team.