Access our e-learning programmes on the e-LfH Hub Register / Log in >


  • How do I find content I might be interested in?
    • The best way to find content is to use the search facility, which is always available at the top of the Hub screen.

      Find out more about how search works.


  • How does search work?
    • There are three types of search in the Hub:

      Simple search

      This is where you enter a search term into the search field at the top of the screen and press enter. The system will search all the content for you.

      If you enter two terms into the search field, then the search will only return components where both search terms are present. For example, entering 'MRI CT' will return a session that has both 'MRI' and 'CT' as keywords but will not return a session that just has 'MRI' as a keyword.


      Simple search with filters

      If you select the arrow to the right of the search field, then some filters will be displayed to you.

      These allow you to: 

      • Search all content in the system, or just search the content on which you are enrolled
      • Search within a particular programme or programmes
      • Search for a particular type of component (e.g. just search for sessions)
      • Search for content with a particular status (e.g. just search for content that you have not started yet)


      Advanced search

      Select advanced search from the simple search with filters box to go to the advanced search.


      You still have the same filters but can also exclude search terms (e.g. search for "melanoma" but not "malignant") and search for content which you have accessed within a particular date range.


  • What is the difference between search when I am logged in or not logged in?
    • In the Hub, you can search for content whether you are logged in or not.

      However, until you log in, the system does not know who you are. This means that the actions you can carry out in the search results are different.

      For example, if you are not logged in, then you will not be able to enrol on a programme. You also cannot use the filter to only search enrolled content. You may be able to launch a session from a programme which is available without logging on, however we would recommend that you register for an account if you wish to retain and report on your learning activity.

      Find out more about the catalogue.


  • Can I filter my search results?
    • Yes, you can.

      Select the arrow to the right of the search field.

      The following filters will be displayed which you can use to narrow your search:

      • The content you are enrolled on
      • Specific programmes
      • Specific component types
      • Specific statuses
  • What is the advanced search option?
    • In the Advanced Search, you still have the same filters as are available on the filtered search but can also exclude search terms (e.g. search for “melanoma” but not “malignant”) and search within a particular date range.