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Technical Checker

  • How do I check if my device will work on the Hub?
    • We have created a Technical Checker that will check if your device has any issues with using the Hub and the e-learning content. We recommend you run the Technical Checker to ensure that your e-learning experience on the Hub will be satisfactory. 

      1. Go to the Hub (

      2. At the bottom of the screen you will see System Requirements


      3. Select Check my device to run the Technical Checker

      The Technical Checker will check the following and report its findings:

      • Whether or not you have cookies enabled
      • Whether or not you have a PDF reader installed
      • Whether or not your browser supports HTML 5
      • Whether or not your browser supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
      • Whether or not your device has a screen resolution of at least 1000 pixels
      • Whether or not JavaScript is enabled
      • Which browser you are using
      • Which operating system you are using.

      This is a guide only. Flash must be enabled on your device and you should use a supported browser

      For further support please contact the Support Team.

      NOTE: The Technical Checker will not change any settings or install anything on your device.