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Key groups

  • What is e-LfH?
    • e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) is a Health Education England (HEE) Programme working in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.

      The online training resources enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point. They are designed and built to be engaging and interactive, using quality images, video, audio and animation to help trainees learn and retain knowledge. Content is presented using various templates such as 'real-life' scenarios, case studies and 'knowledge bites'.

      Find out more about e-LfH by visiting the e-LfH website.

  • What is eIntegrity?
    • eIntegrity Healthcare is the not-for-profit company that licenses access to high quality online professional healthcare training materials to individuals and organisations outside e-LfH’s core audience. eIntegrity Healthcare is committed to delivering high quality e-learning resources for healthcare professions across the world. All net income from licensing is applied to supporting the cost of updating existing, or developing new e-learning materials.

      eIntegrity Healthcare was developed following interest from outside the UK into accessing the award-winning Radiology Integrated Training Initiative (R-ITI) e-learning programme, a collaborative project of the Royal College of Radiologists and the Department of Health. The partners, therefore, decided to establish a not-for-profit company for this purpose. As new e-learning resources become available through e-LfH, so they are made available to eIntegrity customers.

  • What is the relationship between e-LfH and eIntegrity Healthcare?
    • eIntegrity Healthcare is the not-for-profit company that licenses access to e-LfH's e-learning resources.

  • What is the Electronic Staff Record (ESR)?
    • The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) solution is an integrated recruitment, HR, payroll and learning management system; in place in all NHS organisations.

      As well as our content being available on the e-LfH Hub, most of our content is also available via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

      ESR provides a single point of access for all NHS staff with an ESR record to access national and local NHS e-learning courses, flexibly and free of charge.

      Further details are available here: Electronic Staff Record Programme.


  • How do e-LfH and ESR complement each other?
    • The learning platform within ESR is administered and run completely separately from e-LfH. However, e-LfH works with the ESR team to make most e-LfH content available on ESR as well as being available on the e-LfH Hub.

      For a full list of e-LfH content available on ESR please visit the ESR Support website