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Feedback response

Why isn’t there a telephone service for support?

The e-LfH support team is a small team supporting over three quarters of a million registered users. We provide day to day support to those users including password resets, registration advice, advice on using and navigating the e-LfH IT systems and reporting and certification support.

As a government funded organisation, e-LfH has a limited budget with a responsibility to provide the best value service possible. The recent trial of Live Chat highlighted the benefits of providing a service to users which allowed immediate access to one of our helpdesk operators. Live Chat has now been rolled out between the hours of 9:30 am to 12:30pm and 2:00pm to 4:30 pm. Staff will attempt to resolve your issue during the chat or, for more complex issues, refer to a colleague for additional investigation by raising a support ticket.

We are also developing our Chat Bot to provide you with assistance on support issues. However, because of budget limitations, there are no plans to offer telephone support.


Why can’t I find any support for the particular programme I am trying to access?

The support provided via the support website is intentionally generic and seeks to answer the most frequently asked questions about the services e-LfH delivers, therefore searching for a specific programme on the support site delivers no results. The answers and solutions provided on the support website are usually applicable regardless of the programme you are trying to access. Programme specific information is available on the e-LfH website.


Why can’t I use a personal email address to register for access to the e-learning material?

e-LfH provides high quality content free of charge for the training of the NHS workforce across the UK. In order to continue providing this valuable resource free of charge, we have a responsibility to validate people applying to use our service and the most effective way to accomplish that is by requiring a user’s NHS email address when they register. We do also allow users to enter a second email address and indicate which email address they would prefer us to use when contacting them – select My Account once you have logged in. 

However, for security purposes, we must use your NHS email address during registration in order to ensure that you are entitled to free access.

As we continue to work with various UK non-NHS workforce organisations, we are able to increase free access to groups outside of the NHS but access via these routes will always require some form of authorisation by the overseeing organisation for any given staff group.